Dear Colleagues,
I've been collecting items & ideas from you and community members on how we can improve our sharing of our data, as well as the transparency of our actions. Below is a preliminary list for your consideration. My goal is to finalize our list/requirements and develop it into a resolution for Board action.
Thank you,
Open Data & Transparency Policy - Draft Items
Data we want to place on our website:
- Our entire, versioned, board packet for each meeting
- Updates to Board packet
- Board packet should be available to the public at same time as to Board
- Budget Page/Section (Proposed, Adopted, Amended)
- Audit & CAFR Page/Section
- Key Resolutions Page/Section
- Key Documents Page/Section
- KPI Raw Data
- Monthly Financial Reports
- Portfolio as CSV
- Committee assignments
- Org Chart
Routines that can help with transparency:
- Board Notification Policy
- Agenda is emailed to Board after it is posted 7 calendar days before
- Agenda is versioned
- Updates to agenda are emailed to Directors
- Emails from staff to Board indicate the recipients
- Documents shared w entire Board are placed on message board
- shfc domain emails (individual and group) that forwards to Directors
- Easy way for residents to sign up to be notified of new agenda being published